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What's Happening This Week - January 10

The Prayer List has been cleared. We encourage all members of our community to participate and get involved in our prayer ministry. Please contact the office to add someone or update us of any changes.

Personalized 2025 Contribution Envelopes


Personalized 2025 Contribution Envelopes are available for pick-up in the hallway outside the Chapel. If you do not find personalized envelopes for your family and wish to receive them, please contact Kathy Mitchell at the church office, 636-4181 or

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United Methodist Men– Jan. 13th Dinner Meeting 6:00pm in the Fellowship Hall.


Our mission is to support spiritual growth among men, helping men to mature as disciples as they encourage spiritual formation in others.


Our goal is to empower the ministry of Jesus Christ through men within the congregations of the UMC.


Our pathway is a lifelong commitment to spiritual growth to maturity as Christ followers.


Our spiritual formation is marked by spiritual reproduction, as our faith passes on in others.


Why is men’s ministry important?


Men lead others best by modeling Jesus Christ in thoughts, words and deeds.

Spiritual maturity is signified in spiritual reproduction, as the faith of mature disciples passes on in others.


Men growing in Christ become effective spiritual leaders in their homes and congregations, working as partners with their spouses and congregational leaders-both lay and clergy.


Spiritually growing men help congregations to become vital and alive.

Everything desired from and through men comes as a result of men growing spiritually and maturing as disciples: family blessings, stewardship, service, outreach, prayer, spiritual leadership, lifestyle evangelism, and faithful obedience.


Men are foundational to the life and health of the church.


When a man lives daily in surrendered faith, God is honored and many lives are blessed. Transformed hearts are forged only within Christ-centered lives-nothing less is our acceptable offering; nothing less truly reveals Christ.


Please join us for our next dinner meeting to find out more. Contact Charles Parker (407) 415-4157 or Mark Hill (252) 229-5620 to RSVP.

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The next session of GriefShare will start January 13th, 2025 and will meet

Mondays 10am–12pm in Rm 207

GriefShare is a support group for people who have lost a loved one: spouse, family member, relative or friend. It is open not only to Centenary United Methodist Church members, but our entire community as well. ALL ARE WELCOME! Participants can join us at any time. If you know of someone who is hurting, please invite them. For more information, please visit


For the in-person group:

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Would you like to join a Bible Study this January?
We have four options for you:
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Scouting at Centenary

We want to encourage any families with children between the ages of 5-17 to join our Scouting program here at Centenary UMC. We are an old, established troop that runs on a tradition that goes back to 1929. We keep the outing in scouting, and the boy in scouts. Scouting builds a young person in so many ways and we need more youth in our programs. Please join us!

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Creation Care Tips for January


Visit local farmer’s markets. Locally sourced produce travels about 27 times less distance than conventionally sourced produce. By reducing the need to transport and store it this food will have a smaller carbon footprint. Local often means organic food cultivated in season rather than industrial-scale agriculture.


Use the dishwasher. Unintuitive though it may sound, dishwashers save water (up to 5,000 gallons a year with an efficient appliance). That makes the chore a bit better.


Ditch the throw away plastic straws. Plastic straws are among the top ten contributors to plastic marine debris around the world.

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Backpack Blessings Winter Build!

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Happy New Year friends!  


Hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas! We are so thankful to our partner churches for ALL you did for kids in 2024 and we are looking forward to continuing our partnership in 2025!! It is a wonderful thing to be about God's business!!


Our first packing event comes pretty quick in the new year! It will be on January 13 and 14. Please get this link out to the folks at your churches so that they can sign up!!




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Oaks Road is always in need of new volunteers. If you are interested in volunteering or have questions about the possibilities, please call me. My home number is (252)637-2415. 

We would love to have you join our family of Centenary volunteers,

~Gayle Midyette

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Prayer Ministry

We are looking for a group of persons to spend some time in prayer for our three services we have each Sunday morning. If you are interested in participating in this ministry, please contact Dr. Ruth Cox @ 252-670-4499.

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We Need Your Help!

Thanks to the miracle of modern technology, we have the ability to video testimony to share with the congregation. If you're a person who doesn't like to speak in public but you'd like to share about 60-90 seconds of your life with your brothers and sisters in Christ, consider signing up to give a short testimony that will be aired during worship. The subject is "How has Centenary Church changed my life?" Contact the church office or one of our pastors if you're interested. The more, the better! 

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Altar Flowers 2025

We invite you to participate in our Altar Flowers program, a beautiful way to honor or remember someone dear to you. By signing up for a Sunday, you can place flowers on the altar in their name. It's a meaningful gesture that adds to the spiritual ambiance of our church.


To sign up, simply call the church office at 637-4181 and let us know which Sunday you prefer. Once you've confirmed your date, please place your order with Odham's Florist, who will then deliver them directly to the church.

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If you would like to participate in the online directory and did not have your photo taken, you may submit a photo:


Select an image (.jpg, .png, or .gif) 10MB or smaller.

TIP: Roughly square images with the subject(s) close to the center work best.

Please crop your image to be square shape.

PLEASE NOTE we cannot accept copyrighted photos taken professionally.

Submit your photo to:


*Download Ream Connect from the Apple App Store or Google Play for Android to access the online church directory*

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CENTyouth Happenings


To stay in the loop on our youth program, please check out our latest CENTYouth Happenings Newsletter by following the link below:




If you want to support our youth ministry, here are a few ways you can help:


If you would like to provide a meal for our Sunday evening CENTyouth meetings, please use the following link to sign up:




If you would like to provide snacks for our Midweek Middle School Hangout, which takes place on Wednesday, please use the following link to sign up: 




Consider contributing financially to our youth-designated fund. You can give online using this link: 



If you have a Centenary activity that you would like advertised on the radio station, please contact Lydia Warren at (252) 671-6115.


If you have an activity you want in the Friday Greetings or church bulletins, please call the church office (252) 637-4181.

*RCS is in need of winter appropriate Workforce Ready clothing for adults and winter coats for children & adults.*

RCS Donations Make a Difference!

By donating to RCS, you can help ensure that individuals and families who are struggling have access to nutritious meals and essential resources. Your generous contributions will go a long way in making a positive impact on the lives of those who need it most. Together, we can make a difference and help build a stronger, healthier community. Thank you for your support! Please see the list below.

Place your gifts in the RCS box in the hallway leading to the Sanctuary

Please see the list below.

Beans (Canned & Dry)

Bottled Water

Canned fruit

Canned meat

Canned soup

Hamburger, Tuna, Chicken Helper (most pressing need)



Pasta sauce

Peanut butter

Hamburger, Tuna, Chicken Helper (Most Pressing Need)


Rice (1-2 lb bags)

Spaghetti-O’s (Canned Pasta)

Thank you for your donations to this important ministry!

NOTE: Please take any clothing donations directly to RCS.

If you would like to have communion delivered to you at home by a Stephen Minister on first Sundays, please contact the church office at (252)637-4181.


Centenary is a Stephen Ministry congregation.

If you're going through a tough time and find it difficult to cope with it alone, Centenary has a solution for you. As a Stephen Ministry congregation, we offer one-on-one, confidential support from our highly trained and compassionate Stephen Ministers. Whether you're dealing with a personal or family crisis, grief, illness, or any other challenge, our Stephen Ministers are here to help.


To learn more about this caring ministry and how it could benefit you, please reach out to Jan Hood, Sherry Parker, Judy Tymes, or Pastor David.

We are here to support you through difficult times.

Stephen Ministers are at the altar following each service for confidential discussion or questions.

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