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Kathy Mitchell

The Centenary Connextion - August 9

From Pastor Tyler

Greetings from the other side of the country, Seward, Alaska, where it is raining almost as much as it is in New Bern! I look forward to worshiping with my Centenary Family this Sunday!

While on vacation, I have had the opportunity to do and experience a great many things - and attempt to explain them to our daughter Cate, who always wants to know "why?" If she has asked "why" once on this trip, she has asked it a hundred times. 

Perhaps that is a question all of us should ask more often. Cate's curiosity has helped me see this week's passage from Ephesians a bit differently. Instead of focusing on what we are called to do as Christians, we will explore the "why" behind Paul's words to the Church in Ephesus together at 8:30, 9:00, and 11:00 on Sunday!

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