When we think about the sermons of Jesus, I imagine our minds drift to the famous Sermon on the Mount. But what about its lesser-known parallel in Luke: the Sermon on the Plain? Like the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus begins the Sermon on the Plan by speaking about who is blessed.
Though we are accustomed to seeing so-called influencers post photos of their five-figure vacations, six-figure cars, or seven-figure homes with the caption "#Blessed" to demonstrate their perceived blessings, it might be surprising to learn who Jesus considers truly blessed. In the topsy-turvy Kingdom of God to which we belong, it is the poor, the hungry, the weeping, and the marginalized whom Jesus calls blessed.
Join us Sunday at 8:30, 9:00, or 11:00 AM as we reflect on this counter-cultural view of blessings and how it shapes our lives.
Pastor Tyler