From Pastor Tyler:
When I think of resolutions, the first thing I think of is the often-rushed period at the end of each session of the Annual Conference when we debate resolutions – which can be a bit tedious. All those "whereas" and "be it further resolved" clauses just seem to drag on.
Now that I think of it, New Year's resolutions can be tedious, too. We almost always set the same resolutions – lose weight, read more, get more sleep, be more patient, exercise, and less screen time, you get the idea – and by about February, the busyness of our daily lives overwhelms us, making our resolutions have about as much meaning as those resolutions at Annual Conference usually do.
So, as we stand on the threshold of a new year, our church family will not be resolving to do or be anything. But we will take some time to be reminded of God's never-ending grace and never-failing love and to renew the covenant made with us in Christ Jesus through a covenant renewal service that traces its roots beyond Methodism and into the Church of England in the seventeenth century.
I hope you will join us at 11:00 AM as we worship together as one church family!