On Tuesday evening, many of you may have gone trick-or-treating with your children or grandchildren. Even more of you may have greeted trick-or-treaters and shared candy or other goodies with them. While Halloween may have evolved into a day for costumes, jump-scares, and candy, it finds its roots in the history of the Church as All Hallow's Eve, the day before All Saints' Day.
Although All Saints' Day is technically November 1, we will commemorate All Saints' Day this Sunday in all of our worship services. In worship, we will recall the saints who have gone before us in the congregation through prayer and the reading of the names of those church members who have joined the Church Triumphant over the past year. We will also share in Holy Communion, where we are united by God's grace with the Church in all times and places. I hope you will join us as we worship on this holy occasion!
Pastor Tyler Moore