Happy Friday! This has been an exciting week at Centenary. We shared our last F.E.A.S.T. meal Wednesday night until the summer is over. The pews are being reassembled in the sanctuary (and it's starting to look like a sanctuary again). We had an incredible celebration Thursday morning as our four year old class at Centenary Preschool graduated. They were all beaming and grinning from ear to ear as they marched in their caps and gowns. Tonight we have Family Movie Night at 8:00.
This Sunday in worship, we will focus on the text from John 17: 20-26.
Jesus prayed, "I have told them about Your nature; and I will continue to speak of Your name in order that Your love, which was poured out on Me, will be in them. And I will also be in them.”.
Jesus invites us to form a new culture centered on reflecting the glory of God through our love for God and one another. One of the questions we might ask ourselves often as we merge with Jesus' vision is this: Are we working toward becoming the church for which Jesus prayed?
Pastor Michael
Sunday Scripture
Acts 16:16-34
Psalm 97
Revelation 22:12-14, 16-17, 20-21
John 17:20-26