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Létourneau Pipe Organ

Centenary United Methodist Church of New Bern, NC purchased a new Létourneau organ in May 2004. This exquisite organ, Op. 91, was made in Quebec, Canada and consists of 38 stops and 33 ranks, totaling 1861 pipes. The "state-of-the-art" organ is equipped with solid state combination action which includes two digital control panels with 64 levels of memory and a disk reader. In addition to its beautiful foundation sounds, the organ includes chimes and a zimbelstern.

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Great Division

16’ Bourdon

8’ Open Diapason

8’Chimney Flute

8’ Gemshorn

4’ Principal

4’ Harmonic Flute

2’ Fifteenth

IV Mixture

16’ Bassoon-Oboe (from Swell)

8’ Trumpet

8’ Bassoon-Oboe (from Swell)


Great to Great 16

Great to Great 4

Great Unison Off


Swell Division

8’ Geigen Diapason

8’ Stopped Diapason

8’ Viola Gamba

8’ Viox Celeste

4’ Principal

4’ Spitz Flute

2-2/3 ‘ Nazard

2’ Block Flute

1-3/4’ Tierce

IV Mixture

16’ Bassoon-Oboe

8’ Bassoon- Oboe

8’ Trumpet




Swell to Swell 16

Swell to Swell 4

Swell Unison Off

Pedal Division

32’ Contra Violone

32’ Contra Bourdon

16’ Open Diapason

16’ Subbass

16’ Bourdon (from Great)

8’ Principal

8’ Bass Flute

4’ Choral Bass

32’ Contra Trombone

16’ Trombone

16’ Bassoon- Oboe (from Swell)

8’ Bassoon - Oboe (from Swell)

4’ Bassoon-Oboe (from Swell)


Swell to Great 16

Swell to Great 8

Swell to Great 4

Great to Pedal 8

Great to Pedal 4

Swell to Pedal 8

Swell to Pedal 4 


40 Stops

33 Ranks of Pipes

1, 861 Pipes

Centenary United Methodist Church

309 New Street, New Bern, NC, 28560 

P.O. Box 1388, New Bern, NC 28563

Phone: 252.637.4181


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