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309 New Street, New Bern, NC, 28560
P.O. Box 1388, New Bern, NC 28563
PHONE: 252.637.4181

The Centenary Connexion - October 25
Christians and Politics I hope it doesn’t shock you to hear this, but the upcoming election isn’t “the most important in American...

The Centenary Connexion - October 18
From Pastor Tyler " You know that among the Gentiles those whom they recognize as their rulers lord it over them, and their great ones...

The Centenary Connexion - October 11
Mercy Me The quality of mercy is not strained; It droppeth as the gentle rain from heaven Upon the place beneath. It is twice blest; It...

The Centenary Connexion - October 4
Communion World Communion Sunday 2024 is October 6th . World Communion Sunday is a celebration observed by several Protestant denominatio...

The Centenary Connexion - September 27
HOMECOMING SUNDAY Join us for a special day of worship and fellowship as we celebrate Centenary UMC Homecoming this Sunday - September...

The Centenary Connextion - September 20
September at Centenary: A Month of Grace! This Sunday, we will conclude our three-week sermon series on spiritual formation by focusing...

The Centenary Connexion - September 13
September at Centenary: A Month of Grace! The United Methodist Book of Discipline defines grace as "the undeserved, unmerited, and...

The Centenary Connexion - September 6
September at Centenary: A Month of Grace! The United Methodist Book of Discipline defines grace as "the undeserved, unmerited, and...

The Centenary Connexion - August 30
Elections and Christian Behavior Another Presidential election season is upon us, and already, people who consider themselves followers...

The Centenary Connextion - August 23
These aren’t funny. I’ve seen them on vehicles right beside stickers for a church or other symbols of Christian faith. And these are...

The Centenary Connextion - August 16
The Summer Olympics recently ended. What a display of athletic prowess! The United States led all nations in medals with 126, including...

The Centenary Connextion - August 9
From Pastor Tyler Greetings from the other side of the country, Seward, Alaska, where it is raining almost as much as it is in New Bern!...

The Centenary Connextion - August 2
Walking the Walk What are the characteristics of authentic Christianity? Jesus summed our faith up in a couple of places. In Matthew...

The Centenary Connextion - July 19
AntiChrist Many Christians believe the Bible teaches that one specific individual will become the personification of evil and the...

The Centenary Connextion - July 5
Worship With Us This Sunday! This coming Sunday, July 7th , is a Holy Communion Sunday. That means that all three of our pastors will...

The Centenary Connextion - June 28
Unforgivable? What is “the unforgivable sin”? Have you ever worried that you might have unknowingly committed it? Is the unforgivable sin...

The Centenary Connextion - June 21
From Pastor Vann Picking a Side Would you steal medicine to save your child if that was the only way to get it? Or would you let them die...

The Centenary Connextion - June 14
From Pastor Tyler
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